July 1, 2009
Rev: May 3, 2012
At long last, I saw the movie
"Reds" for a second time (on DVD),
after having seen it only once JOHN_REED
when it first came out in 1981.
As I remembered, this is a very
balanced portrait of John Reed-- Here we see John Reed, the
if anything it's more balanced left-wing journalist caught up
than I remembered. in the Russian Revolution,
involved in intercine wars
Emma Goldman is the real ideological between rival American Communist
hero: she figures out that the Soviet groups, finding himself hijacked
system is rotten very quickly, while by the Soviets for propaganda
Reed is depicted as being lost in a purposes...
religious obsession-- he can't face the
failure of the Russian Revolution, or Jerzy Kosinski does a
else his life will be without purpose. memorable performance as
an appropriately grim
I suspect the portrait of Eugene O'Neil Soviet functionary.
may be a little off-- he seems a little
too obviously intellectual (remember,
blue collar guys *really* liked him).
The pacing is a little slow, but
over-all this film is a class act, A note from the DVD "extras" (interviews
deserving of it's reputation. with the elder Beatty): Beatty had to
fight with his camera man about letting
I would've liked to the camera be static. That's an artistic
have seen more of the detail that's unlikely to occur to us
Greenwich Village gang from the outside...
in action (many things
are elided, e.g. the A funny bit: Beatty realizes
publishers of "The he's doing a grumpy-old-man
Masses" put on trial interview, just like Henry
for subverting the war Miller did when Beatty
effort), but what can interviewed him for the film.
you do? It's already
pretty long.