That's me in the corner, designing a religion.
Observation: Most religions I'm familar with
seem to capitalize on repressed sexual
Is it possible to design a religion that
captializes on releasing sexual energy? Like some Indian
By making it safe and acceptable... relgions? Tantric
Birth control a sacrament, disease prevention whatever? Yet
a ritual. another thing to read
up on some day.
I theorize that unstructured
orgies would not work for most people. STRANGER
So what sort of structure is needed?
And is there any way this structure could
avoid being repressive?
I find Sargent (_Venus Of Shadows_)
more realistic than Heinlein: women
begin shrouded, their identities So shyness is overcome
concealed. The ritual begins with by the device of anonymity,
three men approaching three women in until everyone is sexually
darkness. They form three couples, excited enough to no longer
as the men begin to touch the women care.
over the shrouds... then under
them. Later the shrouds are Notably, this routine
removed and the lights are turned doesn't sound like
up, and the couples continue to a lot of fun: all
have sex with the rest of the personalities are
congregation as an audience. concealed by the
rigidities of the
There's no
Homosexuals are strictly not It *could* be
allowed: there's no room for that I think it's
diversity in this sort of more realistic
structure. just because it's
more depressing,
more greyed out...
But _why_
design a religion?