Additions: December 2, 2000
Most people believe in freedom
in some form or another...
Many people share libertarian
attitudes to some extent.
But very few people are willing
to work as hard as the libertarians
do at consistency...
A positive thing about libertarians:
they make an effort to work out a
system based on some simple principles,
rather than decide everything
"pragmatically", on the the fly.
The down side of this is that you'll
often find libertarians arguing about
the fine points of doctrine in ways
that look insane to someone on the 12/02/00: Actually, |
outside. there's another problem
with libs that has been
Is it okay for private citizen's to bothering me more
own nuclear weapons? lately: a tendency to
ignore the inconvenient.
Do we need the government for national
defense? Couldn't that be handled by A counter-argument will
private armies? never be discussed in a
libertarian work unless
Isn't it better for parents to have the author already has
absolute control over children, rather a good refutation in
than state agencies? mind.
Should you be allowed to sell yourself
into indentured servitude? Further (possibly
related): most
But there are smaller issues that libs claim that
bother me as much or more: they are not some
sort of extreme
conservative, but
Libertarians are rather some third
opposed to the idea thing which is poorly
of public parks. So represented by the
in a libertarian cons and socs of the
utopia, Central Park day.
would not exist. By socs,
The land would be I mean In some cases,
sold off to private socialists this is justified
interests, and if aka but many a "lib"
people really want a modern seems culturally
park that bad, liberals extremely
they'd be willing to conservative,
pay for admission. As opposed to
If not, let them put the "classical e.g. in their
up office buildings. liberals", or love of cars.
Libertarians would oppose
laws requiring food I'd like
ingredient listings on to use
labels. jargon
like this
But this is a very more for
convenient thing! brevity,
And it doesn't seem but it's Cons vs Socs
like it intrudes too vs Libs (not
that much on the confusing. 'brals, but
businesses around... 'tarians).
On the other hand...
A hard core lib
would probably argue
that the law is
unnecessary: if you
want to know what's
in a product, you
could subscribe to a
consumer reports
type of publication
put out by
organizations that
can hire a lab to
analyze the
products. You would
get *more*
information this
way, because they
could tell you the
exact percentages of
each component.