RHF stands for rec.humor.funny,
a unix newsgroup briefly LOTS - Low-Overhead Timesharing
censored at Stanford by Street, System
aka The head of AIR, aka The became
prince of darkness, (who seems to AIR - Academic Information
lead a charmed life in the Resources
Stanford bureacracy. when the 'timesharing' became
less sexy (and the overhead
Other sins include got way too high).
denying choice of
long distance It also allowed Street to
carrier to students. pull the libraries under
his domain (hey, that's
But why would someone ban "Academic Info", right?)
a newsgroup? What heinous
thing could it be that was (And I'm sure I've forgot
posted there (in comparison many other name changes
to all the other newsgroups)? along the way. IR? LAIR?)
It was this one joke (from memory):
A Scottsman was having dinner with a Jew.
When the waiter brought the check, the
Scottsman was heard to say "I'll pay!"
The next day, the headlines read:
"Jewish Ventriliquist Found Murdered".
Brad Templeton (the group
moderator) had a policy of
rot-13 encrypting ethnic
jokes... he just forgot
to do it on this one.
Some nut complained.
The real question is why
Street took this seriously,
and had Stanford temporarily
block a newsgroup.