January 11, 2007
May 25, 2008
Nicholas Roerich
Peace activist
Whatever else I may say about S.T. Joshi,
his annotated editions of Lovecraft are JUST_JOSHI
okay by me.
And in "At the Mountain of Madness" he
added a footnote suggesting that the
paintings of Nicholas Roerich influenced
Lovecraft's vision of Antarctica.
Joshi actually gave the address of the
Roerich museum on the upper-west side
of Manhatten. This was enough for me
to drag my brother up that way on one
of my visits back to New York. TOADKEEPER
By luck -- since I don't think I'd
seen any Roerich at that point --
the style of art was relatively [ref]
similar to my brother's stuff:
representational illustrations
resembling some sort of cosmic
comic books.
The Toadkeeper was impressed,
and willing to admit that he was
impressed, which made it something
of a score on my part.
The atmosphere of the place was
interesting: an old building with
multiple floors dedicated to
Roerich paintings. Some people in
some sort of monk garb were lounging
at a dark wood table in a study
upstairs (it could be, of course,
that they were hired).
They had some material describing
Roerich's efforts at being a peace
activist -- he invented a three balls An article in Liberty
in a circle symbol for this work, sneers at him as a man
whose symbolism escapes me at the with a genius for
moment. convincing other people
he was a genius.
A coffee table book gave something
of his history -- apparently he
got his start doing theatrical The log book in the
designs for Stravinsky productions lobby showed a recent
and so on in Russia. message:
"God bless this
sacred space!"
This, from a visitor
from Santa Barbara, CA.