September 30, 2019
Bertrand Russell (1919):
"Mathematics is a deductive science: starting
from certain premisses, it arrives, by a strict
process of deduction, at the various theorems
which constitute it. It is true that, in the It's both a "scarcely
past, mathematical deductions were often attainable ideal" and the
greatly lacking in rigour; it is true also that only acceptable approach.
perfect rigour is a scarcely attainable ideal.
Nevertheless, in so far as rigour is lacking in
a mathematical proof, the proof is defective;
it is no defence to urge that common sense
shows the result to be correct, for if we were Common sense?
to rely upon that, it would be better to Intutition? If you
dispense with argument altogether, rather than have to resort to
bring fallacy to the rescue of common sense. No things like *that*, why
appeal to common sense, or 'intuition' or bother?! (But we *do*
anything except strict deductive logic, ought have to resort to them,
to be needed in mathematics after the premisses all the time... but
have been laid down." math is *different*,
"Kant, having observed that the geometers of
his day could not prove their theorems by
unaided argument, but required an appeal to the A geometry based
figure, invented a theory of mathematical (partly) on empircal
reasoning according to which the inference is reasoning using
never strictly logical, but always requires the figure drawing does
support of what is called 'intuition.' The not strike me as
whole trend of modern mathematics, with its inherently useless.
increased pursuit of rigour, has been against
this Kantian theory."
"The things in the mathematics of Kant's day
which cannot be proved, cannot be known for
example, the axiom of parallels. What can be
known, in mathematics and by mathematical
methods, is what can be deduced from pure
logic. What else is to belong to human
knowledge must be ascertained other wise
empirically, through the senses or through
experience in some form, but not a priori."
Bertrand Russell, "Incompatibility and the Theory of Deduction" p.144-145
from _Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics_ (1919)