June 9, 2020
Luc Sante in the April 9, 2020 "New York
Review of Books" reviewed a collection of
Glenn O'Brien essays: "Intelligence for
Luc Sante used the occasion to talk about the kind
of person O'Brien was and the kind of phenomenon be
I found this kind of amusing, "He was an exemplary if atypical
because at wikipedia-- I wanted to citizen of [lower Manhatten's]
quote an O'Brien essay on the culture, and something of a
Beats, and created a page for him figurehead as it evolved from
to attribute it to-- I was once local, fringe, and 'underground'
challenged on whether O'Brien was to international high fashion.
"notable", and I didn't have much He lived and worked on the
to say about that. leading edge of style at all
times, and was invariably at the
Was he notable? He was right club at the right hour on
notably on the edges of a BASQUIAT the right night, but his
number of interesting things. rèsumè suggests someone from
A lesser light on some big an earlier era. As if he had
stages... flourished during the Regency of
the fin de siécle, he was a
The review includes a photo dandy and a wit, an aphorist
O'Brien took: a dark polaroid of and a tastemaker" -- Luc Sante
Madonna cuddling with Basquiat.
For me, the word that
Apparently O'Brien was one of the comes to mind is "fop".
underwear models Warhol used in But maybe that's just
the photoshoot for the Rolling what he evolved into.
Stones "Sticky Fingers" album
cover: the front being a closeup E.g. a columnist
of the crotch of blue jeans, for GQ
complete with working zipper
(which famously scratched records BACONBITS
like crazy), and inside the zipper
was a crotch-in-underwear that
*might* have been Glenn O'Brien.
"Despite circumstantial differences,
he instinctively grasped and absorbed
Warhol's view of the world. He
understood the transience of fame, the
power of the image, the somatic effect
of repetition, the allure of emphatic
understatement, and the contrapuntal
sympathy between the ordinary and the
transgressive." -- Luc Sante