July 15, 2012
July 26, 2012
"What Are Intellectuals Good For?" (2009)
by George Scialabba
This is an impressive book--
with a catchy title-- one of I just caught someone on the train
many following in the wake eyeing this book surreptitiously--
of Russell Jacoby's notorious a gray-haired fellow in gray
"The Last Intellectuals". business clothes, reading "The New
It leads with a pair of essays on the title's
subject-- this small section is called
"Definitions", but that's not quite right... I considered the phrase
they're more like "Manifestos", albeit "manifesto maniques", but
sometimes oddly sad and restrained ones: that's a better descrip-
tion of what I write.
o The essay "What Are Intellectuals Good For?"
was originally published in 1987,
and collected in the present volume in 2009.
o "The Sealed Envelope", first appeared in
Agni 39 (1994), then in Scialabba's collection
"Divided Mind" (2006), and more recently in
his collection "What Are Intellectuals Good
For?" (2009)
The book then goes into a
collection of very intelligent
book reviews, covering a set of George Scialabba seems remarkably erudite,
Scialabba's favorites and foils deploying so many apropos quotations with
(with the emphasis on favorites) casual ease that I wonder what system he
largely from among the world of uses to track them all. Is he another
left-wing intellectuals. This is post-it note man?
what "The New York Review of
Books" might be like, if they TABS
weren't so terrified of Zionists.
Perhaps colored paperclips?
Scilabba is a very even-handed
guy, and any side of an issue Or maybe he's a xerox
he can lay his hands on is likely machine guy, with
to get all due consideration. manila folders full
of cross-indexed quotes?
This makes him as difficult to
comment on as he is impressive
to read... any thought I have
about the material is likely to
already be treated in some form,
in a way I didn't notice or
just didn't remember.
I could do an infinite number of
iterations of re-writing the
following nodes, just by
scribbling a thought, and then
checking to find where Scialabba
has already responded to it.