September 27, 2019
                                             October   18, 2019

The time has come for me to make a stand on
whether I want to use the phrase "scientism"     That's "the attention
as sneer or cheer.                               conservation" notice,
                                                 jack.  Don't say I didn't.

I've been tempted to use the phrase "scientism"
to mean something like "pseudo-science": the
impulse to dress-up in the trappings of science
(white lab coat and all) without necessarily
having much to do with actual science.

There's an alternate usage though, which
involves putting science near the center of     Perhaps something like the
your world view and trying to work outward      two-cultures cross-over
from there...                                   maneuver I always want to
                                                play with:
    Cribbing a few quotes
    from uncle wikipedia,                                    BIBLES
    first on the "pro" side:


    To innovate in the young sciences it is necessary
    to adopt scientism. This is the methodological
    thesis that the best way of exploring reality is
    to adopt the scientific method, which may be
    boiled down to the rule "Check your guesses."           A pretty good
    Scientism has been explicitly opposed by                summary, really.
    dogmatists and obscurantists of all stripes, such       (I tend to go
    as the neoliberal ideologist Friedrich von Hayek        with "check what
    and the "critical theorist" Jürgen Habermas, a          can be checked".)
    ponderous writer who managed to amalgamate Hegel,
    Marx, and Freud, and decreed that "science is the       In any case the
    ideology of late capitalism."                           fact that some
                                                            turgid, ponderous
         Mario Bunge, Evaluating Philosophies (2012)        fools have attacked
                                                            science doesn't
                                                            obviate the fact
                                                            that many use it's
    It is defensible to claim that scientific,              trappings in a bid
    philosophical, and humanistic forms of                  for unjustified
    knowledge are continuous, and that a                    respect.
    broadly naturalistic description of our
    world centered on natural science is
    correct ... At the very least, such views
    are legitimate-- they may be mistaken, but
    not because of an elementary error, a
    confusion of science with ideology, or an
    offhand dismissal of the humanities. Those
    of us who argue for such a view are
    entitled to have two cheers for an                Okay, but then if it's
    ambitious conception of science; and if           *not* "scientism" then
    that is scientism, so be it.                      so be it.

         Taner Edis, "Two Cheers                      You can defend the
         for Scientism" (2017)                        scientific view without
                                                      adopting the name it's
                                                      critics prefer.

    And on the "anti" side:

    "Philosopher Paul Feyerabend  ...  came
    to characterize science as 'an essentially
    anarchic enterprise' ... "

          Well sure, but that's not necessarily
          a bad thing.

    Feyerabend "... argued emphatically that science
    merits no exclusive monopoly over 'dealing in

          It would be weird to claim that science deserves
          a "monopoly".  To claim that science deserves
          respect and should play a central role, that
          would seem completely uncontroversial.

    "... and that scientists have never operated
    within a distinct and narrowly self-defined tradition."

          Feyerabend is no doubt objecting the the 50s/early 60s
          dogmatism about "the scientific method" which is
          admittedly fairly weak-- but you can dump that
          particular bathwater without going with infanticide.

    "In his essay Against Method he depicted the process
    of contemporary scientific education as a mild form
    of indoctrination, aimed at 'making the history of
    science duller, simpler, more uniform, more
    "objective" and more easily accessible to treatment
    by strict and unchanging rules.'"
          Fair enough-- when I was an undergrad, I felt     
          like I was too rushed to really examine the       
          case for the material presented.  You were        
          supposed to learn to apply it without really      
          thinking about where it came from.                
Feyerabend seems worried about science becoming
a religion, which is indeed something the phrase
"scientism" would suggest:

    "Science can stand on its own feet and does not need any
    help from rationalists, secular humanists, Marxists and
    similar religious movements; and ... non-scientific
    cultures, procedures and assumptions can also stand on
    their own feet and should be allowed to do so ... Science
    must be protected from ideologies; and societies,
    especially democratic societies, must be protected from
    science ... In a democracy scientific institutions,
    research programmes, and suggestions must therefore be
    subjected to public control, there must be a separation of
    state and science just as there is a separation between
    state and religious institutions, and science should be
    taught as one view among many and not as the one and only
    road to truth and reality."

          Paul Feyerabend, "Against Method"

                   So my tentative conclusion on the usage
                   of "scientism" is to go with it as a
                   valid sneer.

                   Accusing someone of scientism is a
                   weaker accusation that accusing them
                   of pseudo-science.  Perhaps: "Adopting      CULT_OF_REASON
                   the trappings of science in a bid for

                       Myself, I probably wouldn't use it to mean
                       "denying the validity of anything except
                       science"-- I very rarely encounter anything
                       like that.


                   If you want to defend "science"
                   and/or being "scientific" you can
                   just use those words.
