April 22, 2022
Another entry in the
A pair of syndromes: section on low-fiction
critical apparatus
Second Male Syndrome or
and These "syndromes"
weren't invented
Second Couple Syndrome or by me for once.
Second Relationship Syndrome
A common plot in "Romance Fiction"
is the triangle: the female lead
meets a male character and begins The phrase "Triangle" is a
to get involved with him, then bit of "low fiction
meets a second male character who cultural apparatus" that's
provides competition for the first. too obvious for even a
pendantic nerd like myself
In the kdrama version of to expound on. I think.
this, the female lead is
*required* to return to the
first male. The first love
is always the true love.
In a typical story though, An oddity kdramas: they frequently
it would leave you with discover their "first meeting" wasn't
the feeling that this actually their first, and they knew
might've been a mistake: each other when they were children.
the second male almost
invariably seemed like a
beter person.
The first male invariably
comes off like a jerk, often
leaving you wondering if As I see it, there are (at least)
he was really a good choice. two reasons for this syndrome:
And that is "second lead (1) Gender sterotypes: real men
syndrome". Why did that are buttheads, and real women
nice guy finish last? have an infinite capacity for
for forgiveness.
And they lived happily ever
after in a state of co-dependency.
(2) it generates dialog and slows
the plot progress.
Having them fight with each other first
gives the story a place to evolve from,
and giving the female lead a grievance
(whether legitmate or the ever-popular
"misunderstanding") is a useful hang-up
for the first relationship, giving the
second male a plausible window of
The fact that this
genre element serves
*multiple* purposes is
pretty key, I think--
And this can make it hard to
percieve what's going on with
a genre element-- you might
think you understand the
As I may be missing appeal of a common feature,
something still but still be missing an entire
about why second angle on it.
lead syndrome
proliferates. These structures have
always evolved,
they're only partly
designed, which can
complicate attempts at
doing variations.
You may think you're
being innovative and
getting away from a
dull cliche, without
fully understanding
it's function.