So, how many readings does it take *you* 
to decipher this one?

                  "But Bel Riose was young and    
                  energetic -- energetic enough to
                  be sent as near the end of the  
                  universe as possible by an      
                  emotional and calculating       
                  court -- and curious besides.   
                  Strange and improbable tales    
                  fancifully-repeated by hundreds 
                  and murkily-known to thousands 
                  intrigued the last faculty; the 
                  possibility of a military       
                  venture engaged the other two.  
                  The combination was overpowering." 
                           -- Issac Asimov, the 
                              second paragraph of "Dead Hand"    DEAD_HAND
                              a Foundation story originally 
                              published in the April 1945 
                              issue of Astounding. 
