January 17, 2013
sketching critcal positions.
pick an axis and max it out
look at a real critic, listen for the disparate voices, help them escape
what is the true measure?
the true measure is:
individual taste
the judgement of a trained, selected elite
emotional affect
philosophical engagement
intellectual puzzles
what is the true function?
the true function...
what is the purpose of art?
what is the goal of criticism?
the reviewer as human filter,
another layer like editor, curator, etc.
the critic as source of
illumination, makes one To highlight the underlying structure,
aware of another way of make us aware of it in order to
seeing, enables and
creates other ways o appreciate it,
accentuate it,
feedback to artists-- the snarky muse work with it
the critic as philosopher, looking for o neutralize it,
clues to understanding the nature of allow us to
humanity... the critic as (usually) rise above it
amateur sociologist, seeking to
understand the present state of
What does this say about us.
the critic as slave to an impulse,
a human driven to making judgements,
because that's what humans do.
the critic as con-artist,
a defender of their own privilege