June 12-14, 2011
From Dreyfus & Kelly, from p.21
("Our Contemporary Nihilism"):
"Frederich Nietzsche, the great German philosopher of
the late nineteenth century, famously claimed that God
is dead. What he meant by this is that we in the
modern West no longer live in a culture where the basic
questions of existence are already answered for us.
[...] Nietzsche thought that nihilism was a great joy,
since it frees us to live any life we choose, but many
find it horrifying instead."
I get the sense that Dreyfus and
Kelly haven't read much Nietzsche,
or have carefully edited their
memories of it, because there's
more to Nietzsche than heroic
Nietzsche did have some
things to say about mass
experience (Dionsyian TRAGEDY
ecstasy, yes?)
You could argue that
Nietzsche came to a
similar conclusion to
theirs: Nietzsche's
answer to "the death of
god" is a return to the Dreyfus & Kelly, claim
classic Greek pagan gods (p.221-2 "Conclusion") to be
(he claimed to be the offering up a new
last worshiper of interpretation: "Others talk
Dionysius). about God's absence,
withdrawal, or death. But
the picture we are offering
turns on its head the
twentieth-century narrative.
The gods have not withdrawn
or abandoned us: we have
kicked them out."
Nietzsche, in fact,
actually wrote
something like:
"God is dead, *and we
have killed him*".