April 24, 2011

Dreyfus and Kelly,
"All Things                         ALL_THINGS_SHINING
Shining", p. 220:

    "We've seen already that without the ecstatic
    form of the sacred our world would be a poorer
    place.  After all, crowds can rise up as one to
    change the mood of a culture in positive and             Wow: change can
    transformative ways; without the phenomenon of           be transformative!
    _physis_ such radical, paradigm-shifting changes
    would never occur.  We need to find a way,
    therefore, to skillfully appropriate the
    phenomenon of _physis_, to bring out this form of
    the sacred at its best.  We cannot rest content
    with the safe but lazy, rational approach of
    rejecting _physis_ altogether."

    "A new kind of courage is required for this
    path.  In place of the Kantian courage to              A_FAMILIAR_DOOM
    resist the madness of crowds, we need the
    courage to leap in and experience it.
    Sometimes, as with Martin Luther King on the
    Mall, things will turn out extraordinarily
    well: paradigms will shift and the culture
    will come to understand itself in new and
    more shining and meaningful ways.  Sometimes,
    by contrast, one dances with the devil.  Like
    Ishmael being drawn into the contagious mood
    of Ahab's monomaniacal quest, one can only
    survive its fiery darkness if one learns by       Could it be that the
    experience the dangerous world it reveals.        authors might be trying
    Only by having been taking over by the            to say that humanity had
    fanatical leader's totalizing rhetoric, and       to go through it's Hitler
    experienced the dangerous and devastating         phase, in order for all
    consequences it has, does one learn to            of us to collectively
    discriminate between leaders worth following      learn about the Hitler
    and those upon whom one must turn one's           syndrome?
                                                      But if you look at what
    "Developing any skill necessarily involves        they were saying a page
    risk. ...  one does not become a master           or two before this, it
    without taking chances and learning from          appears that they're
    the consequence's of one's mistakes."             really talking about
                                                      developing your personal
                                                      ability to distinguish
                                                      ineffable qualities.

                                                      They really are saying
                                                      that all of us have to go
                                                      through our Hitler-phase
                                                      in order to develop the
                                                      skill we need to dodge

                                                         You can't, you know,
                                                         just *read books*
                                                         about it, and try to
                                                         learn from *other*
                                                         people's experience.

I find it a little difficult to unravel
what they think they're saying here.
Is the point that there was no way to
identify the Hitler syndrome before                  But you know,
Hitler existed, or are they insisting                *Some* people
that there's no way, even now, to spot               can apparently
a new Hitler while on the rise?                      see these things
                                                     coming a lot
And when they use the pronoun "one" do               sooner than others
they really mean "we", all of us, all the
time, every time?                                      If you're going to
                                                       sing the praises
Instead of saying "nature", they like to               of someone, how
use the greek word "physis" (in this, a                about praising the
book intended for "a general audience").               people who can get
Doesn't this amount to an assertion that               these things right
what they're arguing for is "natural"?                 before-hand?

   That would seem to be
   stacking the deck a bit.                       PROPAGANDA_AND_EXPECTATIONS

   There seems to be an
   assumption that rational
   thought is not "natural"
   for human beings, so why
   bother?                         QUESTION_FOR_CHOMSKY
