January 31, 2022
Continuing on from
Bits and pieces that could be set in places over
there or moved elsewhere, or cut entirely...
"... almost no interesting statement that one can
make about an operating computer bears any
particular relation to the specific nature of the
hardware. A computer is an organization of
elementary functional components in which, to a
high approximation, only the function
performed by those components is relevant to the
behavior of the whole system."
So, is he arguing that we often care
about the interconnection and arrangement
of large numbers of components, without
caring so much about precisely what the
components are?
"This highly abstractive quality of
computers makes it easy to introduce That's certainly a good point--
mathematics into the study of their for example, it's been
theory and has led some to the understood for some time now,
erroneous conclusion that, as a that you need to actually
computer science emerges, it will examine running code to find out
necessarily be a mathematical rather where the bottlenecks in the
than an empirical science." system are.
Experience shows that no
theoretical understanding is
ever good enough to let us get
by without testing:
trial-and-error rules.
"The important point for our present discussion is that
the parts could as well be neurons as relays, as well
relays as transistors. The natural laws governing relays
are very well known, while the natural laws governing
neurons are known most imperfectly. But that does not
matter, for all that is relevant for the theory is that
the components have the specified level of unreliability
and be interconnected in the specified way."
"This example shows that the possibility of building a
mathematical theory of a system or of simulating that
system does not depend on having an adequate micro theory
of the natural laws that govern the system
components. Such a micro theory might indeed be simply