Dream notes    5/94

Two creatures with six legs, something
between a daschund and a centipede.
The fore part of their bodies had great
mobility, they could rear up and stand
on their hind pairs of legs like
centaurs.  Tremendously ugly faces,
like bull-dogs taken to an extreme.
They stood less than a foot high.
Their bodies were covered with a short
fur but with some odd scalely/leathery
patches that looked like alligator nipples 
or perhaps like lubrication points on a

   The toy stuffed animal version would   
   have to use patches of lizardoid       
   plastic amid the false fur.            
I was lying down on my back.  One of
them stood on my chest, letting me pet
it.  I leaned my head forward and it
nuzzled me under the chin. 
It tickled unbearably.
