November 29, 2006
Why was my
prediction wrong
for election
fraud in 2006?
(Perhaps I need to
One problem: just stop writing down
because the machines my predictions...)
in Virginia are
riggable doesn't mean
they're riggable *by
Republicans*. It depends on
the details of
your threat
model. E.g.
do they need
access to the Or are Diebold
machines to Accu-vote machines
patch the software? shipped by the
Why was there so Do they need factory in a
little (obvious) access to the rigged condition?
fraud? memory cards?
Actually, there
*was* some:
I've heard some reports of problems
in Florida and Ohio already.
That NIST story alludes to Florida problems.
The Cleveland "Free Press" guys think
a few congressional seats may have been
It's possible that the great
Democratic landslide should
have been even larger, What I would like to
and the Republicans muted it believe is that the
only by as much as they dared. activities of the
"fraudies" such as
myself, helped
(a) wake up the watchdogs
(b) frighten the thieves
That HBO documentary
was pretty amazing:
"Hacking Democracy".