March 9, 2017
And upon re-reading
"Skylark Three", (In a manner of speaking:
I'm impressed that I listened to the librivox
it's a story about recording, often in a
our brave heroes half-awake state of mind.)
engaging in genocide.
They stumble across some nasty aliens,
the Fenacrone, who are poised to try
to conquer the galaxy. They're genuinely
pretty nasty, and clearly opposing them
with force is justified. Our heroes
conclude that they're too dangerous
to live, and the entire species needs
to be wiped out so they can't regroup
and try again.
There is actually what you might call a
"moderate faction" of the Fenacrone,
there's a group that thinks this "conquer
the galaxy now" scheme isn't a good idea:
they pile into a big spaceship and get off
of the planet before it can be destroyed.
Our heroes go beserk chasing after
them, to make sure this splinter
group is destroyed also-- the logic I might make the point
is that they're just a "let's wait that even though they're
and conquor later" faction, so they only slightly less
don't deserve to live, either. viscious, they might
turn into something
If you let any of them live, they better, if given time.
might engage in reprisals against
our wonderful heroes. In the Doc Smith universe,
biology is destiny, and
hence badness is an
irredeemable condition.
The deck is always
stacked via telepathy:
Another interesting feature is a no one needs to guess
race of wise, advanced aliens who about the character of
are so far beyond this sort of the opposition. Our
barbarism that the very idea of friendly telepaths check
engaging in violence throws them them out and pronounce
into a tizzy. They are, however, the death sentence.
happy to assist our heroes, and
empower them to engage in
genocide. Wise, advanced races
like to have some proxies around
to avoid getting their hands
dirty. And advanced as they are,
a concept like "indirect
responsibility" has not made it
into their consciousness.