November 14, 2006
Tales of the newest of new lefts...
If you look around a bit,
you can find an interesting
spectacle: old left reactionaries
objecting to young lefties
betraying the grand old cause...
For example, the new lefties like
to talk about "green capitalism", Notably, the Greens are
and so on... not people who think that
capitalism must be over
They're excited about thrown; instead they argue
selling socially and it needs to be adjusted,
environmentally e.g. with carbon taxes
responsible products to compensate for the
to niche markets that "externalities" of pollution.
they then hope to
The old left sneers
at this as trying Consider that
to change the world "Ben and Jerry's"
through shopping. ice cream was
a great politically
A hot topic correct hit --
is Walmarts so they got (In my experience,
move into bought by Dreyers. many people still
Organic don't know this.)
Is this a sign that the
movement is winning?
Or has the movement
been co-opted?
Notably, some environmentalists
are taking the global warming
scenario very seriously, and
it's at long last sinking in NUKE
that Nuclear Power is not the
ultimate evil, certainly Though the way some
not compared to coal. people spin this is
that "the problems have
been fixed" with new
My take: yeah, the new tech is
probably even better, but the
the old tech was okay, too.
Helen Calidcott's latest
book objects strenuosly
to the notion that nukes
might be Green.
She claims that *really*
nuclear power requires
*lots* of fossil fuel Even without checking
to mine and transport the numbers...
the nuclear fuel.
Pretend that you've
just made a similar
argument against some
spiffy new rooftop
photovoltaic solar cells.
What answer do you
expect in response?
"Well, yeah, *these*
were manufactured with
fossil fuels, but if
we crank out enough of
them we can phase that
Another way of
phrasing it:
Does it produce
power, or not?
If it doesn't
generate a net
gain of energy,
why would anyone
bother with it?
Myself, I take these
various disputes as an
encouraging sign that Unlike, for example,
the Left is open to the libertarians who
intellectual change. appear to be
degenerating into
conservatives under
another label.
And the conservatives
themselves are having
trouble grasping that
the Republican party
has had it's brain
eaten by crazed weasels
from hell.