February 14, 2007
One of the main reasons we hung around
in New York on through New Years, was I've been impressed
to go to the New Years day St. Marks with these in the past:
Poetry Reading, a marathon of short
readings and performances from 2pm on to HOLY_COATS_OF_BLACK
around 2am...
But Dangerbaby hadn't
been to one before.
The people doing readings were
almost uniformly excellent...
as always at these events, you
don't want to sneak away for A block away from the St. Marks,
food for a few minutes, because an excellent New York-style place:
you keep feeling like you're a huge, independantly owned
going to miss something. "deli/dinner" complete with many
busy booths and a jumping take-out
This time I didn't feel like counter: we scored two quarts of
there was any one stand out some really good soups to go.
discovery emerging from the
field of many names... Dangerbaby thought
IIJIMA that was excessive,
Peter Bushyeager did a but we killed
short reading, but I two-thirds at the
was disapointed to hear BUSHYEAGER event, and the rest
that he doesn't have a the next morning
newer book out... at the B&B...
But I walked away with
many entries on the better-
than-neutral list:
Kazim Ali
Tisa Bryant, (And while they
Max Blagg, were serving
Nicole Blackman some food in the
Erica Hunt back room they
Urayoan Noel were strongest
Maggie Dubris on coffee and
cookies. Terrible
And particularly chili.)
impressive was:
Emily XYZ I have to confess,
Evan Kennedy I can never remember
who "Emily XYZ" *is*.
I get her confused
with Amy X. Neuberg...
and maybe Pamela Z,
and I think another
name I'm spacing on.
Eliot Katz read some
political poems, but
in general the politics
seemed lower-key this
Though John S. Hall in a
preface to his reading
recommended the "New York
Review of Books", and The New York Review,
I definitely understand has, for example,
the point. been doing a good
job of pointing out
that the New York
Times has been full
of shit.
As far as the celebrities go,
I was glad to see Penny Arcade...
She talked about trying on a And the beat-era holdover
hat in the mirror and thinking Taylor Mead appeared, doing a
suddenly to herself "'Fuck! I'm spirited, if slurred stand-up
*old*...' And you know, I've been routine, babbling about
young for a *really* long time." pedophilia ("some people
flower sooner than others"),
Jim Carroll, looking more spectral and how it's something of a
than ever, did a short reading of breakthrough for the United
a piece in memoriam of Gregory States to show a movie like
Corso ("He volunteered to sleep "Bare back Mountain -- or
on the wet spot of life."). Broke Back, or whatever it
was". He mentions he's just
turning 80: "Sheer luck."
Patti Smith appeared solo
(Lenny Kaye did something
separately, which I'm
afraid I missed), doing a Elliot Sharp banged
somber song about the war out a credible piece
deaths. of guitar noise...
Philip Glass played one
of my favorite pieces by
him... from 1980? He
had nothing newer?
(It seemed about twice as
long as it needed to be.)