December 10, 2011
I go into the last remaining
"Army/Navy Surplus Store" in San They haven't really been
Francisco, and look for the two "surplus" stores in a
brands of six-pocket pants they've long time. We no longer
always carried. Between my have army surplus.
preference for size, color, and The wars never stop.
fabric, there's nothing there I'm
willing to buy. (If you add in my
preference for "American Made" and/or But consider the fact
"Fair Trade" it's a complete that we're in the midst
impossibility.) It used to be of a veritable craze for
possible to get black polycotton "tactical pants"... go
combat pants in this place, but I've on-line, and you're
had no luck on my last few trips. likely to be overwhelmed
by choices.
That is essentially the end of brick-and-
mortar clothes shopping for me... There's the Kitanica
brand, American made
and based in Oakland.
On the shoe front: because of
similar problems, I'd slowed down And there are other
my rate of buying shoes to the things with some
point where I almost stopped. appeal, like "5.11
Tactical" (descended
The only shoes that won't destroy from Royal Robbins),
my joints are the ones with rubbery originally intended to
cushioned soles that are now only be climbing wear.
made in China.
And the polycotton
Converse moved their Chuck "5.11 Tacticals" are
Taylor operation over seas what I've settled
years ago. Even "Red Wing" on for now: internet
now carries mostly chinese shopping, oh joy.
stuff (and their few
remaining American made ones
look hard-soled and WHERE_AMERICA
I bought a pair of Toms a few
months ago, which are supposedly
politically correct (if not fair
trade): buy one pair, they give a It's no doubt rank cynicism
pair away free to poor children in on my part, but I have my
botsavariastan. doubts that this system
works very well. The
shoes themselves don't seem
like they breath well
(Sept 11, 2013) enough for the tropics,
Shoes: For now I've settled and if they were worth
on "People's Mvmnt", which something the kids you give
like Tom's talks a political 'em to might end up beaten
correct line (Organic!), and robbed for their shoes.
though they are unfortunately
made in China and don't sport Their web site has pictures
a Fair Trade certification. of happy white people
displaying their Tom's
These shoes can at least be flags, not happy brown
bought locally (Sole Space, children sporting their
in Oakland.) snazzy shoes.