November 27, 2006
Yes, the Pentagon has openly
announced that they have a group
engaging in on-line propaganda.
I can't blame you if you missed
This particular this one -- the Naughts has seen
spook came out a barrage of news stories about
of the closet crazed over-reaching by the US
this last government.
I think we've all
They call it the gotten numb from hearing
"media war unit". yet-another-announcement
of some strange government
To quote the BBC story: program.
"Pentagon boosts
'media war' unit": It's hard to pay attention
to it all, so we cross
"The US defence department our fingers, and hope it's
has set up a new unit to not as bad as it sounds,
better promote its message hope that the pendulum
across 24-hour rolling news will swing back...
outlets, and particularly on
the internet. The Pentagon
said the move would boost
its ability to counter
'inaccurate' news stories
and exploit new media."
"The newly-established unit
would use 'new media'
channels to push its message
and 'set the record And it will never be
straight', Pentagon press used to attempt to
secretary Eric Ruff said." influence a US election.
"The unit would reportedly Just like the NSA
monitor media such as won't ever eavesdrop
weblogs and would also on civilians...
employ 'surrogates', or top
politicians or lobbyists who They're only
could be interviewed on TV after "terrorists".
and radio shows."