Yes, there's a role for August 05, 2011
anonymous services like August 18, 2013
wikileaks and openleaks,
but that really shouldn't Incorporating some material
be the default way we deal posted to slashdot:
with the world.
"Are 'Real Names'
And there's a syndrome Policies an Abuse of Power?"
where people to post a lot
of stuff while hiding [ref]
behind a pseudonym, and
then get an unpleasant
shock when they realize
that their pseudonym has The extreme case is
been penetrated. Bradley Manning.
Clearly Snowden made
Try asking a different the right call in
question: isn't it running first.
irresponsible to promise
people anonymity when in
reality, that's not so
easy to deliver? Footnote: can we please
agree that using a
pseudonym is equivalent
to being anonymous?
Places like slashdot have
really corrupted the
meaning of "anonymous".
(At slashdot, an "anonymous
coward" is someone who hasn't
taken the trouble to create an
account, but the accounts
themselves are effectively
anonymous. Creating one is
hardly an act of bravery.)