June 26, 2006
Jane Jacobs great work was:
"The Death and Life of
Great American Cities"
My summary of the the central thesis:
Cities are healthiest where
shared regions are used by
diverse ranges of people at Her own summary of her conclusions,
different times for as supplied in a footnote in a
different purposes. later work, "The Economy of Cities"
(chapter 3, page 100, Vintage paperback):
She makes the point that "... enterprises serving
there was something crazy city consumers flourish
about the obsession with most prolifically where the
razing functional if funky following four conditions
neighborhoods to replace them are met:
with massive government
housing projects that just "1) different primary uses,
don't work. such as residences and
working places, must be
In retrospect, there's mingled together, insuring
an oddity about her the presence of people
presentation: using the streets on
different schedules but
Where's the drawing on consumer goods
conspiracy and services in common;
"2) small and short blocks;
Isn't it possible that
the great push for "3) buildings of differing
government "housing ages, types, sizes and
projects" was not just conditions of upkeep,
crazy or stupid, but intimately mingled;
actively evil?
Someone made a lot of money
building lousy concrete 4) high concentrations
bunkhouses... not to mention of people."
the guys in the demolition
Isn't it possible that Le
Corbusier was not just the
inspiration of a wave of POWER_BROKE
mass insanity, but a cloak
for the same old
There are people out
there who will exploit
the dominant ideology
whatever is...