July 25, 2005
March 7, 2009
I ask you to consider this:
I refer of course to
Could it be that one of the greatest Dan Leone, aka Dani Leone,
writers of our era has been passing aka L.E. Leone aka
himself off as a restaurant reviewer? Lord Exister...
Someday, someday...
Dan Leone will be recognized For many a year, I've been meaning
as the Jack Kerouac of the to put up a tribute web page to
80s, the Damon Runyan of the great Leone, of Bay Guardian fame.
90s, and the Ralph Waldo
Emerson of the year 2025. In fact there
And a Herb Caen for all should be a
seasons. And seasonings. full Leone
tribute site
One idea would be to do a
better job of indexing
his articles up on the
Guardian web site than
they do.
This would not be
a difficult task.
Dan Leone is one of the few
people perceptive enough to
realize that mayonnaise is a
threat to western civilization.
One of the great Another who truly understands is
frustrations of living the composer Xenakis (quoted in
in the Bay Area is that conversation with Morton Feldman):
you can't just say
"Hold the Mayo" and "In Japan, when they play the
expect them to know Biwa. The Biwa can produce very
what you mean. small short glissandi. When the
string is loose you can do very
small modulations of the pitch in
order to enliven the sound in a
melodic way. You can find that also
in western music with the vibrato,
but here it's used as a kind of
mayonnaise to hide the inaccuracy
of the pitch."
If I were to recommend one Leone
column to you as the greatest of
the great, it might be this one:
Provided you're someone
like me who's still
(By the way, this is a thinks that beatnik
restaurant review column.) existentialism is heavy.