December 17-28, 2005

There was an explosion of interest in
independant comic book publishing
in the 80s; with "direct sales" stores
that provided an end run around the
usual newstand distribution racket,
and the case can be made that a key
element -- maybe *the* key element --
in starting all of this was the
"Cerebus" comic book.

   It came from Kitchner,
   written by Dave Sim, drawn
   by Sim with later
   assistance from the
   meticulous Gerhardt, to
   whom we owe much of the
   detailed backgrounds.

"Cerbeus" was a
pretty simple satire     It was a relatively cheap black-and-white
of the macho,            affair, which caused a wave of
masculine "Conan"; a     black-and-white imitators, the best known
transmutation of         of which is probably "Teenage Mutant
"Conan the Barbarian"    Ninja Turtles".
into a funny animal
story (the full
title: "Cerebus, the        The Marvel rendition of
Aardvark").                 "Conan the Barbarian" was
                            very popular with the fen,
                            and not without reason: the     It also didn't
                            early issues stuck fairly       hurt that there
                            closely to the original         wasn't much
                            Robert E. Howard stories,       else happening
                            and the Barry Windsor-Smith     in the early
The primary point of        artwork was really very         70s to get
"Cerebus", then, was        solid.                          excited about.
that a "Conan" type,
far from being a hero,                                        (A personal
is a violent and stupid                                       favorite was
lout...  A lout that      That point probably                 "The Grim
isn't particularly        sounds a little                     Gray God",
worth idolizing, even     obvious, and probably               issue #3
as an anti-hero.          it is, but then Dave                I think.)
                          Sim was pretty young
  (Though you know?       then, as was the                   When I was
  Flipping through        audience of "Conan"                13 or 14
  the old Cerebus         idolaters, and those               I was handed
  stories, I see          days were still early              a writing
  that he was often       in the progress of                 assignment
  a truly heroic          feminism.                          in school
  figure, even in                                            something
  those days... )                                            like "who
                                                             is your
       "The innate problem faced by this novel               hero?"
       is that it works very hard to be a spoof
       but inevitably falls prey to the                       THE_GREAT_DEBATE
       mechanics of the thing it's spoofing."
          -- Jennie Kermode,                            I essentially
             about "Don Quixote", on alt.gothic         punted on this
                                                        assignment, as
                                                        I did on most
                This is my main problem with            of them, and
                all spoofs and satires --               went off in
                well, *literary* satires --             praise of
                they all have that quality of           "Conan the
                trying to have it both ways.            Barbarian".

                                                      I still find that
                      You would never get             cringe-worthy,
                      involved with doing             though in retrospect
                      a spoof if your head            I couldn't have
                      wasn't completely               done a better job
                      loaded with the                 of veiled nose-thumbing
                      material that                   if I'd tried.
                      you're supposedly
                      attacking, but the              (My conundrum, if
                      spoof let's you                 you care, was that
                      wallow in it while              in my personal
                      pretending to stand             writings -- of
                      above it.                       which my "teachers"
                                                      would be shown
                                                      nothing, ever --
                  Atheists are okay by me,            I'd been going off
                  but heretics piss me off.           on sententious
                                                      riffs like "The
                                                      time for heroes has
                                                      ended." They asked
                                                      me for a hero at a
                                                      time when I was
                                                      trying to tell
But the interesting                                   myself that I had
thing about                                           none.)
"Cerebus" is not
how it began, but
where it moved                 TOADKEEPER
to...                                             The Toadkeeper never liked
                                                  Cerebus all that much.
Sim continued to add different                    He complained that the
elements, typically other comic                   fantastic content was
book characters he wanted to                      "too incoherent".
satirize -- e.g. a takeoff on
Elric called Elrod, fusing him   (By the way:     He had a point: the premises
with Foghorn Leghorn.             I *hate*        that are nominally at the
                                  Elrod. And      heart of the Cerebus
   That's *truly* a dumb idea,    I've never      univererse are all made
   but say what you will of       liked           up on the fly, cut and recut
   Dave Sim, he's never been      Foghorn         at Sim's whim.
   afraid of a dumb joke.         either.
                                  There.)           The ultimate "explanation":
      I mean, turning Howard's                      Aardvarks are special, and
      "Bran Mak Morn" into                          weird shit happens when
      "Bran Mak Muffin"?                            they're around.
      The "picts" into the
      "pigts"?                                         Dave Sims is good: he
                                                       *almost* makes that
       Then it's "Captain Roach"                       sound reasonable,
       for "Captain America"                           faking a sense of
       later reborn as the                             closure with it.
       "Wolveroach" and so on.

       Sim never completely gets
       away from this idiotic
       "send-up" of the already
       obviously ridiculous,
       but over time he does          SATIRE
       begin to hit some deeper

  But to the extent                      Maybe the point where
  that there's any one                   he really began to
  theme at all to                        come into his own, was oddly,
  "Cerebus": it's                        with another pastiche,
  clearly critical of                    writing a Groucho Marx
  mainstream superhero                   figure into the story...
  comics and the male
  power fantasies they                   This is the sort of thing
  cater to...                            that's actually very tough:
                                         No one who cares at all
                                         about Groucho wants to see
  As the story progresses                his material abused or
  Cerebus is increasingly in             ripped-off.  Doing a Groucho
  over his head, surrounded by           imitation is a capital crime
  people who understand what's           for any stand-up comedian.
  going on better than he does.
                                         But no one who reads Dave Sim's
  He struggles for control, but          version feels that way about it.
  continually becomes manipulated,       Sim was *channeling* Groucho.
  Sometimes he's manipulated by a        He gives you *authentic* Groucho.
  woman (in particular Astoria in
  "High Society"), but the dominant           (And it's an interesting
  tension is civilized vs                     point that a Groucho
  "barbarian" rarely male vs female.          dictator would genuinely
                                              be a fearsome character:
               Later on there's               the meaning of every
               a weird shift...               little quip he makes is
               Sims splits from               both crucially important
               his wife, becomes              and impossible to
               soured on women                determine.  No one would
               in general and                 ever know what to expect
               his misanthropy                from him...)
               transforms into
                                 My take is that
                                 he got it right
                                 the first time...
  For the elder Sims:                               MISOGYNY

  Men are the source of the light,         Indeed, men have a reputation
  Women are merely parasites.              for "getting things done":
                                           it's difficult to claim that
  But the younger Sims was                 the lack of female Einsteins
  far more interested in                   and Picassos is solely a
  dissing macho stereotype                 result of sexism.
  than celebrating "the
  male light".                             But by the           But I
                                           same token,          certainly
  So Sims engages in some                  it's difficult       don't deny
  of the strangest retcons                 to shrug off         that sexism
  in the history of                        the absence          is real: the
  comics.                                  of female            barriers
                                           Hitlers and          remain higher
  Cerebus is converted                     Stalins.             than some
  from a "male" figure                                          people want
  into hermaphrodite with                  It would             to believe.
  damaged female organs...                 appear to
                                           be another           STANDING_WATER
  Perhaps this is to                       manifestation
  provide a misogyny-                      of the genius/
  consistent                               madness
  explanation for his                      connection:
  uselessness?                             men have more
                                           than their fair
  But then... what about all the           share of both.
  other drunken/useless/coniving
  male figures on stage throughout
  the saga?

       Is Bear a paragon of
       the "male light"?

       Is Weisshaupt?

            Throughout, Cerebus is a slippery tale.
            People appear on stage professing to
            Explain All, then later Sims has someone      e.g. the Judge.
            else appear that undercuts them.

            When we entered the misogynist
            ranting era, I had trouble believing
            he was sincere about it... I thought
            it was just one more viewpoint to be


   And right afterwards, he
   goes into a long story
   centering on Jaka (and
   F. Scott Fitzgerald...),
   where Jaka seems like a
   very detailed, interesting

   She may have her flaws,             "You have to understand that doing
   but she essentially                  a comic book for seven years with
   saves Cerebus's life                 no one else assisting in the direction
   at the end of the                    of it becomes a very intense kind
   story.                               of self-therapy in the long run.
                                        Very often I will recognize an
   Over all, she seems                  allegory that I hadn't intended
   like a sympathetic                   consciously.  Sometimes it will be
   character.                           months later before I see it."

      Reading Sim's commentary,           -- Dave Sims,
      it's clear that he                  "Swords of Cerebus" Vol 6, Fall 1984
      has no respect for her.             commenting on Cerebus No. 24
                                          "The Beguiling" (published 12/1980)
      "The Jaka's of the world
      don't --"

         What a *great* writer:
         the characters get
         away from him and                  But then, the
         take on weight, often              following story
         in spite of his intentions.        "Going Home", I
                                            haven't been able
                                            to read.

                                                           It's too obviously
                                                           a piece of hate
