February 14, 2010
Ah, the single tit of Amazon,
on it's way to being the lone
tit of western culture...
all praise the worship of

  Amazon.com has long been
  a conservative darling--
  the first place I ever
  heard about them was
  a front page Wall Street
  Journal story.

  Amazon was contributing to
  the Republican party during
  the rise of Bush II (a fact
  which I suspect many of
  it's customers would not be
  happy with, if they knew).

  Myself, what I have
  against amazon.com is
  that they used a bogus
  software patent (if
  that's not redundant)                    DYNAMIC_PRICING_SLIPPERY_CUSTOMERS
  as an offensive legal
  weapon against the
  competition, bn.com.
                                     And there's a suspicion that
  Perhaps notably, Barnes            Amazon was tracking user
  and Noble is a solidly             purchases and using that
  blue company: they've              information to decide what
  always contributed to              price to offer them next.
  the Democratic party.
