October 17, 2020                       
  "We follow the science."                                                          
  "The science is in--"                                                             
There are people who talk about                                                     
The Science as though they've                                                       
joined a new monotheistic religion.                                                 
There's a large faction of science-denialists                                       
out there-- perhaps more than around a third of                                     
the United States.                                                                  
Some people have reacted against that and begun                                     
to define themselves as followers of The                                            
But Science is not a fixed doctrine, if anything                                    
it's the anti-doctrine.  It thrives by not being                                    
too dogmatic, by being willing to review settled        Multiple attempts have been   
conclusions, by being skeptical about everything        made to firm up the nature    
including it's own grasp of facts.                      of "the scientific method",   
                                                        but really the best anyone    
Someone waving the flag of The Science may be           can do is something like      
doing little more than engaging in a rhetorical         "check what can be checked".  
This is another form of politicizing science,
no less than the people who are reflexively                   FALSE_KARL
anti-science to show their tribal affiliation.                LIMITED_HEAD

It may seem a weird thing to complain about:
That science is getting *too much* respect...
