"You think too much, you
                   can't force these things, you
                   just have to be open to new
                   posibilities, play your
                   opportunities as they arise
                   see where they go, and not               ELVIRA
                   worry about it too much."

           Of course not.               Of course.

     Providence favors                      I need to just do it, and
     a prepared mind.                       quit trying to control
                                            everything in my life.

Some women believe this "go with               I think                 CAGEY
the flow" philosphy, probably                  therefore
because they're under the                      I am not.
impression that relationships                                GHOST   
"just happen", because they've
never had to put much effort                        
into making them happen.                         Pretend I'm someone else,    
                                                 and give that boy some    
Women can always evade                           advice, cause the schemes    
responsibility through the                       I cook up for me are      
traditional route of                             goddamn stupid, like      
passivity.                                       pretending all the        
                                                 parameters of my          
I once insulted a woman                          personality are variables,    
by suggesting that she                           shall I learn to be       
just might want to get to                        homosexual, I ask, but    
get to know someone she                          this is *ridiculous*.     
met in a laundromat: "I     (That was            Shall I learn to lie?     
don't need to pick-up       while playing        Shall I learn to be more    
men!"                       a game of            "flexible" and chase after
                            "Scruples")          women I don't want for the    
                                                 sake of fufilling a goal      
                                                 I'm uninterested in?        
                                                 Tomorrow may I wake up and
                                                 choose to be a bitter         
                                                 Richard Blaine hard-case  
                                                 rather than the more        
                                                 complicated mixture I     
                                                 really am?                

                                                 Sometimes I play a game
                                                 of looking at couples
                                                 on the street.  If the
                                                 woman looks cool, I
                                                 check out what kind of
                                                 guy she's with, because
                                                 that's the kind of guy
                                                 I'd probably have to be
                                                 if I wanted to go out
                                                 with her.  
                                                 Usually I decide it's
                                                 not worth it.
