Lester Thurow is a very well
known, intelligent guy who I
usually disagree with As such, I tend to think
completely. he might be valuable as a
check on my own thinking.
He's written a series of
popular economics books, DISSONANCE
like "The Zero-Sum
Society". Lately though, I've begun
to wonder if Thurow is really
One of the things I disliked good enough.
about "Zero-Sum" is that he
actually seems to believe He was profiled in the 1/90
it's a worthwhile goal to _Atlantic_. I thought it
eliminate sources for human was fascinating that he's
envy: i.e. no one should outraged by the common
have to feel bad because bumper sticker "Question
someone else has more than Authority". It seems we're
they do. all supposed to quietly
listen to benevolent experts
such as himself.
I'd really like to see him
debate Milton Friedman some
day. Or better yet, David