May 5, 2016
October 31, 2016
Looking back at Blish's "William
Atheling, Jr" work in "The Issue
at Hand" his pretensions aren't I mean: he borrowed a
wearing well. pen name from Ezra Pound?
His comments on Spillane, Leiber, etc.
sound like material for Crosley Bendix. A thought: Do the Crosley Bendix
routine but use actual criticism.
Trying to read Philip Kitchner's piece in
"Social Epistemology: Five Questions",
I'm afflicted by that same sense that
there's something wrong with the guy's tone.
Kitchner can't coherently describe what his area of
interest: He's struggling with the same things as X,
he's converged on the same stuff as Y, he's not at
all like those boring folks Z.
"I have been concerned with the possibility of
integrating an understanding of the objectivity
of our best forms of knowledge or with the
insights obtained from [the history of science]"?
Evaluating a speaker based on tone like
this is a tricky business. It doesn't
mean nothing, but how much does it mean?