February 20, 2007
July 15, 2007
How many members can a
conspiracy have before BURNED_IN_2004
it becomes unlikely
that it can remain secret? INCREDIBLE_BUSH
Many conspiracy scenarios
run into the counter-claim
that they require a large
group of conspirators, and
perfect secrecy, and the two
don't go together.
This argument seems plausible to me in
the case of the "9/11 truth movement",
and unpersuasive in the case of the
"2004 election fraud".
So what's the
(if any)?
One point that the anti-fraudies don't
seem to grasp is that there have been
leaks, defections, and screwups, they
just get ignored by the "mainstream
media" (perhaps better known as "the
establishment media"). They're
mentioned briefly, if at all, then filed
away as attention seekers, or strange
one-off flukes.
Some one like myself sees them
as tip-of-the-iceberg, and wants On the other hand in the
to know more... case of the truthies,
they'll seize on what looks
Other people refuse to admit there's to me like like a small
anything that needs investigation. anomaly (to borrow a useful
word from Bill Weinberg)
and make as much of it as
they can.
E.g. there's some guy
Maybe the difference is who was inside the WTC
that the "truthies" try who claims to have heard
to use small anomalies an explosion from down
to counter large quantities below before the collapse.
of evidence, and the
"fraudies" point to That's supposed to be
small anomolies in a near serious evidence that
vacuum of any other kind there were explosive
of evidence. charges planted in
the basement.
But just off the top of
my head, there are too
many other possible
Maybe there's an explanations to put a
analogy to the Drake Equation: lot of weight on this
one report. E.g. a
shock wave traveling
Given some number of actors... down some open chanel
(ventilator? elevator
Some percentage will later defect. shaft?) so that an
airline impact above
Some percentage of those defectors produces a boom down
will not be supressed. below.
Some percentage of those who are
not supressed who will not be Or let's say an
ignored. explosive was
planted below.
Why would one
It's hard to slip through assume that it
this gauntlet of was a US plant,
fractional factors. and not another
avenue of Al
Qaeda attack?
These fractions may
be factorized into
sub-fractions, showing
more detail.
Defection rate as a function of time?
There's a time limit on significance:
Death-bed revelations decades hence
aren't likely to matter much.
Note that death-bed
recantations too,
have, the same
gauntlet to run.
A hitman confesses
to assisting Oswald. (Hypothetical.
Don't get excited.)
Does someone
believe him?
Does his confession get
passed on to someone who (And what if They have also
will publish it? threatened his family if he
does the death-bed confession?
Or is it intercepted by Why would you ever expect
some family member? these confessions to happen?)
Or perhaps by Them?