February 3, 2014
Any attempt at talking about DEALING_THE_DECK
literature-- or human life in
general-- always seems to devolve style
quickly into poorly defined soul
abstractions. edge just to list some
touch of the shorter ones.
At the moment I want to say
something about "touch" as in a Touch is one of the
phrase like "That movie has the more interesting
Lubitsch touch." names-- it suggests
something concrete,
Here "touch" is invoked to explain and yet it's used to
an ineffable difference between indicate an ineffable
two artworks. Why is one comedy quality.
funny and another irritating?
Don't they all revolve around the And my apologies
same basic elements? if you came to
Misunderstandings, wordplay, this page expecting
slapstick and pratfalls-- literal something else.
or symbolic.
I would guess it was
Actually, the first question is, originally an analogy to
is there anything, anything at all crafts and fine arts--
that *can* be said about "touch"? some delicate tasks
require "just the right
If we were going to look for touch".
something to say, what angle of
attack, what method would we use? Great pianists are commonly
praised for their "touch":
I'm inclined to go at it by example physicists objected this had
and introspection, though that to be an illusion, piano
obviously has it's limits: design deosn't allow for any
such phenomena--
Consider "Doonesbury" and "Bloom County":
many people found them to be roughly I once read of a later
equivalent in quality, but while Bloom study that concluded
County might've had it's moments, I thought they weren't taking
the style of it's art was horribly into account the sounds
derivative, and worse it's style of humor a piano makes that
seemed forced and shrill. Someone goes off don't involve the
the rails, starts screaming something strings. E.g. the keys
weird, stops suddenly realizing that hitting the pads under
they've lost it, and mutters something them is certainly
contradicting what they just said. audible in an unstrung
Over-and-over, nearly every strip... piano...
But then, sniping at it's repetitive
quality is an easy shot to make, but what
*isn't* repetitive? If something
*doesn't* have a degree of repetition
going for it, would it work at all?
So: how much, what kind, what works?
And on who?
When and for how long?