June      9, 2012
                                                    November 30, 2013
 Ilya Shambat wrote on alt.gothic:                                 
 "One example that I have observed was a young                     
  man named Kevin in San Francisco Bay Area. He                    
  was into Jim Morrison, had long hair and walked                  
  around shirtless, and took me on an excursion                    
  to the ocean coast where he and his friend                       
  played a digiridoo all night. His mother kept                    
  calling him a poser; but what she did not                        
  understand is that, when someone does something                  
  that's not a trend and that's not cool, then it                  
  must be something that means a lot to him. So                    
  that, while many of the original hippies were                    
  doing it because it was a trend, someone who                     
  does it when it is not a trend and remains                       
  persistent in doing it is the real McCoy."                       
Well, okay, you have a good point here:                            
moving counter-trend can be taken as          "I was into it       
evidence of authenticity.                      after it was         LATE_STAGES   
I'm going to argue against it,                                     
though, because that's the kind                  This would make the recurring  
of guy I am.                                     waves of white boy funk fans 
                                                 some of the most authentic 
For one thing, in an example such as the         people around.    
one you cite of the Morrison fan, you                              
might argue that this retro-hippie is                                    
copping a pose to achieve some in-group                                  
approval, it's just that at this point        
the group is a genuine "sub-culture"         KNIFE 
rather than a nation-wide trend.                                   
But maybe that's not a terribly interesting line of                
argument, what I'm actually more interested in is                  
questioning the notion that authenticity is all about              
"being true to yourself", that it's all about finding              
sincere expression of the core of your soul.  Every                
individual, then, is regarded as this mysterious white             
hole of creativity, and we all must listen down inside             
ourselves to determine the modes of social interaction             
that are right for us.  But what really then is the point          
of the social interaction at all, if inside each of us we          
already have this perfect sphere at the core?                      
Realistically, doesn't this core actually come from                
somewhere outside of ourselves?  Isn't it strongly                 
influenced (if not solely determined) by that social               
Creativity does not *have* to be something practiced by a          
lone individual in isolation: it could be that the entire          
sub-culture is the real creative unit, that the process            
of exploration needs to be a group exploration.                    SELF
And if the group is successful, if they find something             
that really resonates with the zeitgeist, that speaks to           
a generation... why shouldn't what they come up with               
spread far and wide and become a trend?                            
Are you supposed to abandon your life-style                            
if it happens to be in sync with the times?             Be true to     
   Popularity is not, in itself,                                       
   proof of inauthenticity.                                            