January 21, 2003
Finished: September 15, 2004
Of late I find myself making GENTLY_SNORING_SNOW
frequent reference to "The Two
Cultures", a phrase
introduced by C.P.Snow, in
his essay lamenting the split
between the sciences and the
This was a common thread
among intellectuals of
the fifties and sixties.
I see it in Koestler's
"Sleepwalkers" (1959),
for example.
It's to this that we owe
the "interdisciplinary"
hacks in the modern
educational system.
Universities have
distribution And conversely:
requirements to force
undergrads to take Like many engineering
some classes in students, I took
subjects they're not economics classes to
really interested in, satisfy my "Social My roommate
and puffed up/dumbed Science" requirement. was really
down classes have to (The professor's pains annoyed to
be provided to avoid troubling us realize that
(e.g. "Physics for with "hard" math, like his Philosophy
Poets"). calculus was always class in
amusing.) Logic wasn't
going to count
toward his
The general thesis can be AGAINST_STUPIDITY Humanities
argued with. score.
John McCarthy has remarked Gotta read the
something like: fine print.
"really there aren't two
cultures, but maybe
their should be. Really
there are around 1.5 Myself, I often find I'm
cultures: When the looking for artists with
humanities get sick, the some knowledge of what's
sciences start to sneeze." on the other side of that
cultural barrier. (barriers?)
His complaint was that
the pessimism about I look at the vast array
the future of the of small press zines full
human race had of random musings and
leaked from the poetry, and my sense of
humanities to the excitement fades quickly
sciences, even when as I think "What are the
you might think that odds that any of these
they would know better. people really *know*