March 7, 1992
Last night I was hanging around at Nassim's
place, with Kavi and Walt. A housemate of
there's I hadn't met before came home: a
young black woman named Rachel. She and
Kavi immediately began talking about some
all day conference she had been at, evidently
a Black Uhuru meeting.
I had trouble understanding what
exactly she was talking about for a
while. For example, she kept
talking about "counter-insurgency",
which is evidently their jargon
for FBI actions against black
rights organizations.
Toward the end, she and Kavi
were getting into a capitalism
bashing mode that I didn't
have the energy to deal with.
Capitalism is evil because the Appalling, because it's a
wealth it generates is all conception of wealth even more
stolen, e.g. land of native primitive than the Marx labor
americans, labor of black theory of economics. Marx
slaves, and so on. thought of wealth as being
created solely by physical
labor... but these folks
think wealth isn't created
at all, just stolen. No room
for the role of intelligence, etc.
But on the other hand... if you
believe in property rights, if you
believe in inheritance... then
doesn't someone owe quite a bit of
restitution to the descendants of
slaves, of native americans?
Libertarian economic theory has no
good answer to this that I'm aware of.
Anyway: the major thing to be
learned from Raquel is that she
claims there is extensive FBI
covert activity against the Uhuru
movement, and that there's a
tendency to ignore unjust violence
against black groups. This is
something to look out for...
(Her example was some actions
against the Panthers that no one
remembers, versus the events at
Kent State... )