June 3, 2018
When I came up with this playlist
I was feeling enthusiastic about
Japanese pop-culture and anime JWAVES
soundtracks; plus some obscure
bands I'd turned-up on the
internet archive; and I was The reasoning behind these
reaching back to some earlier picks, and the circumstances
obsessions like Vietnamese that I let steer me to them
pop-music, Bowie, the VU, were very casual and arbitrary.
industrial music and goth music. Nothing was tremendously well
considered, it was almost the
Looking back on it, the set is opposite of the usual "desert
surprisingly light on jazz, and island picks" game.
has very little from the Bay Area
Improv Scene save Myles Boisen. An aversion to the big
sources of DRM'd sound
It heavily features Yoko Kanno, files and a laziness about
The Winter War In Tibet, Soviet ripping disks myself both
Jazz, Cheiko Kawabe, Aya Hirano, played a huge role: the
Sa Ding-ding, Arcade Fire and the Internet Archive looms
Velvet Underground... large, here.
It's a funny idea to use an entire
album by _The Winter War In Tibet_,
"Tragedy in Space"; and further to
use the tracks in reverse order as
instrumental interludes between the
poppier tracks.
I didn't remember doing that, but it's
immediately recognizeable to me as the
kind of thing I might've done.