January 17, 2007
An episode of "The Shadow", broadcast
on January 22, 1939, was called:
"Valley Of The Living Dead"
It might've been written by Ayn Rand. And actually, it might
literally have been written
A twisted fellow, who under cover by her.
of altruism, enjoys controlling
other people's lives, forcing I gather it's not
them to depend on him. entirely clear who wrote
the early Shadow radio
He keeps his son's legs scripts... there's a
locked into an unnecessary, theory that this one
painful metal cast. *might* have been written
by the original Ellery
His wife is kept in a Queen team:
wheel chair (solely by
psychological domination?) [ref]
An entire Valley of people supported
by his largess, staggering around
like zombies because he insists on This radio show was broadcast
protecting them from the evils of the a few years after Rand's first
outside commercial world. novel: "We the Living" (1936)
And several years before
"The Fountainhead" (1943)