May 28, 2008
One of the driving
forces of pulp fiction Beginning with some
is cowardice about material quoted from
facing your own demons. BLAZING
A small example: in a
Shadow story ("The
Golden Master", I
think) a woman is A common device: white-washing
hypnotized by the bad the salacious material by
guys and goes prancing attaching it to villains that
about in a revealing are slated to come to bad ends.
oriental outfit.
But this slutty
behavior is Not Her
Fault: this is an [ O'Donnell fills ] the story with
alter-ego imposed pages and pages of the villains
from without. twisting their mustaches. They're
typically vile sadists with some
Oh, how terrible. sort of sexual kinks that O'Donnell
revels in as he reviles them.
And then nearly every
story is based on a
contrived siruation ROMANCE
where extreme behavior
is justified.
"Is there this kind of
ugly anger in a man that
waits for this kind of
virtuous excuse?"
-- Meyer, in John D. MacDonald's
"Pale Gray for Guilt" (1968)