August 30, 2019
In the Saint story "The Golden Journey", while
they're out on trail they encounter a group
of happy-go-lucky vagabonds that call themselves GOLDEN_JOURNEY
the "wandervogel" ("wandering birds"):
"As they reached the road a band of twenty young people were
coming towards them, singing as they cam. The men wore
leather shorts and white linen shirts, some of the girls
wore the same, others wore brief leather skirts. All of
them carried packs, and many of the packs were heavy.
Belinda saw one man laden with an enormous iron pot and a
collection of smoke-blackened pans: he looked like a huge
metalized snail."
"'We are *Wandervogel*. We are tired of the cities, and we
make ourselves gypsies. We sing for money, and work in the
fields when we can, and make things to sell. Your sandals--
they are a pattern made by the *Wandervogel*. ... ' "
" '... We do not want to be rich. We have all the world to
live in, and we are free like the birds.' "
" 'They belong to a new generation,' said the Saint quietly.
'There are many people like them here, under different
names. It's an attempt to find a way out of the mess this
world is in. The cities have failed them, and they're
looking back to the ancient wisdom of contentment with simple
things. At least it's better than idle hopelessness. And
who's to say, maybe they've got something.' "
The way I understood the history: these
wandervogel were a real phenomena, but
they mutated rather quickly into the That they were endorsed by the
Hitler youth movement. Charteris Saint seemed appropriate--
underlying the early Saint stories
Looking around on the net, I gather is a passion for living dangerously,
that there's a competing view that the a rejection of civilized life.
wandervogel had been around for some
time, and the Nazis just stole some of
their schtick trying to co-opt them.
The year after "The Golden Journey"
was first published, the wandervogel Perhaps notably, the Golden
groups were banned by the Nazis. Journey begins in Germany
but say nothing about the
Nazi regime.
1896 First wandervogels
1901 First official group (The route goes south
through Austria-- and
1920 Nazi party forms may continue south into
1929 Great depression Italy, going through the
1930 Nazi's 18% of vote Brenner Pass).
1933 Hitler takes power
A weak plan I would say,
1934 "The Golden Journey" published. a Brenner Pass has
1935 Wandervogels groups banned. never gotten me anywhere.
Charteris describes a group of men and women,
but there are many references to the
vandervogel as a male-only movement-- evidently
a homosexual scene, at least to some extent.
The wandervogel were a direct influence on some Some influence is
Japanese groups, and seem remarkably similar to sometimes claimed,
the American hippies in many respects. though I would think it
might be convergent
evolution-- perhaps
with some shared,
common source of ideas.