June     2, 2014             
                                             November 9, 2018             
A version of material                                                     
posted to the dailykos as             [link]
"Towards a Smarter We":                                                   
Back to "social epistemology", or as Dan Kahan                            
calls the subject, "cultural cognition":                                  
Kahan has a series of experiments that show that people                   
do a better job of interpreting numeric results if it's                   
on a neutral subject, but when it concerns something                      
where they're already committed to an opinion their biases    Or as Ezra Klein puts it:
take over.                                                   "Politics Makes Us Stupid"
People with better math skills aren't immune to this                      
effect-- in fact, Kahan says they seem worse-- and                        
people with liberal/left opinions don't show any real                     
immunity either.                                                          
                          (April 28, 2014)                                
               Conservatives *love* Kahan...                              
                  You see? Both sides do it!                              
                  (So we don't have to stop.)       (One suspects that    
                                                    they're uncomfortably   
                                                    aware they're well on   
               The liberal/left on the              their way to being the  
               otherhand, feels                     party of crazy and      
               uncomfortable with Kahan's           stupid.)                
    In recent years, the                          Does the left have anything
    left's self-image has                         at all equivalent to the
    been that they are the                        of birthers and benghazi?
    community", and the                           Prominent deranged beliefs
    right is the province                         that are played-up to and
    of lies and delusions.                        promoted by Congress?

Certainly Krugman feels that way, and he objected
that Kahan's results contradicted his "lived
experience", and asked the question where is the
left's equivalent of climate change denial?

A number of us objected that there really are
some cases that are close to level of climate                                  
change denial, examples where the left prefers          Interestingly, it's not     
to argue against the consensus of expert                so clear that the           
opinion: GM food, nuclear power, and so on.             anti-vaccination crowd      
                                                        is a good example--         
Krugman then went off and wrote a pro-solar             Kahan has data showing      
column for the NYT, which was fine, but has             it's not a solely           
it's weak points-- it's evidently true                  left-wing phenomena.        
that solar power has had some encouraging                                           
progress, but Krugman's apparent presumption                                       
is that it's doing so well the nuclear power
debate is now moot, and that, shall we say,
has yet to be established.

But getting into the details of the nuclear debate
should probably wait for another day, and in any
case, upon reflection, I think there are other
examples of right-wing craziness that do a better
job of demonstrating the left-right asymmetry
Krugman pointed to: birthers and benghazi-ists
aren't just the right-wing fringe, they're pandered
to by members of Congress. I would suggest that
it's difficult to find left-wing insanity that's
both quite so obvious and yet still influential.

Kahan himself thought Krugman's reaction
was extremely funny, a clear example of
denial-in-action.  Kahan argues it's a
matter of *how* you get the answer, not
whether the answer happens to be right.
This is interesting, but not entirely         As Kahan continued to write about
satisfying: if the left has been calling      this stuff he got increasingly
multiple different issues correctly, and      ill-tempered, e.g. calling
if it kept it up for years, it would seem     Krugman an illiberal asshole
peculiar to insist that this might just be    for the crime of not agreeing
luck.                                         precisely with Kahan.

Ezra Klein stepped in again, taking Krugman's
side in this against Kahan: and while I think
I'm largely in sympathy with the direction
Klein went, I think he was a little clumsy
about it.  This is the way I'd put it:

Kahan's work (in this case) comes                              (April 8, 2014)
from individuals tested in isolation
from each other, but the collective     But where individuals have
intelligence of groups of people is     limitations, we try to set-up social
a different case entirely.              structures that are stronger than the
                                        individuals that make them up: it
For example, as most of us are aware    could be true that individuals in both
at this point, scientific training      factions have the same flaws, but if
does not turn human beings into         one faction as a whole is better at
perfectly objective, unbiased           correcting for individual flaws, then
reasoning machines, and yet the         one might very well be better than the
scientific enterprise taken as a        other.
whole does a good job on converging
on the truth over time.                       If we're stuck with tribalism,
                                              then picking the right tribe
That's the existence proof that               to identify with is critical.
social groups can be smarter than
individuals-- and it raises the
question of what sorts of social
institutions we might create that
can increase our collective

And it's at least possible that the left is already
near there, with checks on internal craziness that
function just a little better than those on the right.

     And indeed, at the end of Ezra Klein's
     piece, he goes off into a demographic
     analysis, trying to make it plausible
     that one "party" may reason differently      Krugman, a few days later,
     when taken as a whole.                       mentions that the right
                                                  doesn't just have crazies,
     He presents evidence supporting the          it has well-funded crazies...
     claim that Democrats think differently
     than Republicans...                                A different
     Krugman's "lived experience" may                   ratio?
     yet turn out to be consistent                                             
     with Kahan's laboratory data.                But then, as I repeatedly             
                                                  try to point out to lefties,          
                                                  financial bias isn't the              
                                                  only source of problems...            
