March 7, 2009
A figure that appears now
and then throughout the
story of my teenage life on
Long Island: a friend of
one of my brothers who we VILLON
shall call "Whatnot".
He was something of a
multi-artist, with He did a stint in Vietnam...
interests in music, office-work, as I understand it,
painting, film, radio, where he'd finish his work in a
poetry and so on. couple of hours, and spend the
rest of his day working on poetry.
Much could be said about his
general approach toward life. The Toadkeeper once
wrote an essay using
He was someone with a much Whatnot as a starting
less defeatist attitude than off point, marveling at
the Brenner Brothers, and the amount of money he
always did what he could to spent on all his
Get Things Done, working on different projects, and
a lot of different fronts. concluding that "all art
is art", and "words are
You could argue that he wasn't cheap", and resolving to
any more successful... but focus on words.
then there's something to be
said for just doing your work,
whether or not you manage to
make a living at it. A quip from Whatnot:
"The only thing I have
Very little of the works against Ed Sanders is
of the young Villion he got the grant and I
survive in anything like didn't."
a finished form -- the
exceptions exist solely Not something you'd put on
because Whatnot was your resume, but then, a
involved: lot of us don't get as far
as applying for the grant.
o He used Villion's
band as a subject
in a film-making
o He put together a
recorded radio show
that alternated
Villion's readings VILLION
with solo performances
of guitar and vocals.
I only recently got to
see one of his video
experiments from the
mid-1970s where the
Inwood Angel sits down
at a kitchen table, INWOOD_ANGEL
rolls a joint, starts
smoking and begins
lipsynching to Whatnot's
reading of "Fra Lippo
This remarkably Dumb
Idea works because
the Inwood Angel was
acutely conscious of (And he still is:
how dumb it is. He "It's a piece of crap!")
did not at all think
it was amusing to be
involved in this
project, and he let
it show...