January 3, 2013
May 16, 2013
A recurrent figure, with many variations,
is The Wildman, the (usually) unattached
(usually) young (usually) male, that in Wildmen often do fairly
some sense refuses to be tamed by society, well with women: the
and refuses to compromise with the straight famous "bad boy" appeal.
world for the sake of security.
The shy, introverted intellectual
is always a sucker for the Wildman, SPONTANEOUS_COMBUSTION
hence the fascination of Kerouac
and Ginsberg for Neal Cassady.
Similarly, before Cassady was on the scene,
the early New York beats were fascinated by an
if anything wilder Wildman: Bill Cannastra, ON_BROKEN_WINEGLASSES
whose self-destructive antics and bloody
finish are a thing of legend...
Bill Canastra and Neal
Cassady's reign overlapped
by a few years.
Many a wildman has romped
throughout the rock-n-roll
era, Jim Morrison, Keith
Moon, etc.
And many a media image has
been concocted since then.
The movie "Animal House"
comes to mind, which the STAPLEGUN_WARRIOR
wildmen of my acquaintance
in high school certainly
found inspiring.