September 3, 2010
Observation of a pattern in
programmer's technical debates:
In support of a favored technology,
you make the claim that it is easily
understood, and will lead to lower
training costs, and fewer errors due
to misunderstanding.
The trouble with the competing
technology is not that it's
impossible to get it to work, but
that it's too fussy, it requires
people to work too hard, it's
only useful for experts who are
familiar with all of it's quirks.
Then, if you argue against this new
technology, pointing out it has And note: in order to make
it's own complications and quirks, this argument you need to be
the story suddenly changes. somewhat expert in this new
technology, and you can't be
Oh, *obviously* there's going without an extensive period
to be *some* learning curve, of experimentation.
you shouldn't be doing this if
you don't know what you're We buy pigs in a
doing, any serious programmer poke *every* time.
should just be able to deal.
And then afterwards,
In other words, we need to there's heavy
support the average, regular psychological
programmer, except when that pressure to defend
need gets in the way of what the new technology,
I want to do, in which case otherwise the work
you should assume a user you put into it is
base of expert geniuses. wasted.
Who wants to hire evaluation
those Regular is a near
Programmers anyway? impossibility.
They can go work for
Bozotech down
the street.