September 20, 2018

I gave up on "Life" after the first episode.  You know how a
typical Korean drama starts out with fast-paced, interesting
dialog, and about two-thirds of the way through they switch to
long drawn-out passages where nothing much happens except people
stare dramatically while the music swells?  "Life" *starts out*
in that mode.

But after watching the "Goblin", my partner really wanted to see
some more Lee Dong-Wook pouting action so we backed up to "Blade
Man", which I recommend highly.  It's not without it's problems,
but Lee Dong-Wook's acting is not one of them.

         (The lead actress in this one is Shin Se-Kyung,
         aka "The Girl Who Can See Smells"...)

We also tried watching the first season of "Roomates", which may
have been the weirdest thing we've done in some time (I mean, a
Korean reality show?).  It was weirdly engaging at a number of
points-- e.g. the spectacle of two asian women trying to cook one
night and realizing neither of them know how to use a rice cooker
(celebrities evidently have a rather narrow skill-set...).  But
while Lee Dong-Wook is around, he doesn't get to do very much and
around the fourth episode they actually bring in a *laugh
track*... going any further with it is going to be rough.
