"Go to women with whips."
But did he really say that?
_Thus Spake Zarathustra_ part one:
"Of little old and young women",
An old woman says:
"You are going to women?
Do not forget the whip!"
Maybe that's what I was Or maybe it's another case
thinking of. of multiple translations
floating around.
Walter Kaufmann describes a
photograph that "shows Like:
Nietzsche and his freind
Paul Ree ... pretending to "That which doesn't kill
pull a little cart on which you makes you stronger."
Lou Salome, then their Seems pretty extreme, but
mutal freind, is enthroned a better translation is
with a whip. We have it on "That which doesn't destroy
her authority that the you makes you stronger."
picture was posed under
Nietzsche's direction..."