August 18, 2004
"It Conquered the World" is a
great piece of McCarthy-era CORMAN
mythology, released in 1956,
the *same year* as "Invasion Or could it be that
of the Body Snatchers" (was both were knock-offs of
Corman fast, or what?). some other source?
Scary little bat-like things Many people out there on the
swooping down out of the sky; web suggest that "Invaders
bleached blondes who've from Mars" is a predecessor
forgotten to touch up their from 1953...
eyebrows; an alien
master-mind that looks an And the Heinlein novel
awful lot like a giant carrot "The Puppet-masters"
with an *evil* expression on came out in 1951.
it's face...
(Legend has it that when it
finally has to run for it, you
can see the 2x4 pushing it out
of it's lair: I couldn't spot it
on my last viewing.)
And I'd forgotten about the closing monolog:
"That when we seek such perfection we only find
death, fire, loss, disillusionment, the end of
everything that's gone forward."
Corman presenting his own manifesto?