July 22, 2008

   You begin with very
   lax rules, then                 FAITH_CYCLE
   tighten it up as
   problems arise.

   This has a few advantages:

   (1) you make it easy
   for people to play with
   it in the early days
   when you're trying to
   attract attention

   (2) it sometimes turns out
   that the rules you might
   have *expected* you'd need               "Wikipedia is an
   aren't so necessary.                     impossiblity by
                                            every 20th
                                            Century Standard."
      Note the way slashdot                 -- Bruce Sterling
      gradually accumulated
      voting rules and
      meta-moderation checks
      and balances to deal
      with the increasing       But these features
      traffic...                just look silly
                                on smaller sites
                                using the slash code.

