June 15, 1992

When you admit you're an 
addict, you're admitting 
that you are unable to               ELVIRA       
control certain behavior.                               
A failing of will power,                             All of which puts    
perhaps a failing of the model                       you in the very    
of Free Will.                                        peculiar position    
                                                     of making choices    
According to the principles                          to restrict       
of the twelve steps of AA,                           choices, of making    
to conquer an addiction, you                         decisions based on    
must first admit that it is                          your inability to    
stronger than you are.  You                          correctly make     
must appeal to a "higher                             decisions.        
                                                     Of developing 
In practice, this really                             strategies to deal
means that you have to                               with your own 
stay completely away from                            limitations... 
whatever it is you have                              
problems with.           
You must avoid the "first drink"                                       
Because you can't count on being                          IGNORANT
able to avoid going "just one more"                                    
     Moderation is easy to                                             
     argue for, but impossible                                         
     to define.                                                        
     The nice thing                                                    
     about extremes is                                                 
     that you always                                                   
     know what side of        
     the line you're on.      

"I'm Dysfunctional, You're Dysfunctional"   
makes the point that twelve step groups 
insist on focusing on the personal... 
before you can work on the world's problems
you must work on your own problems.  

But when will your own problems ever 
be solved?  

And isn't it possible that you can work
out your personal problems, by trying to 
apply yourself to a larger problem?                      

Lack of a sense of purpose 
could be part of the problem. 