August 07, 2009     
What was Steve Yegge talking about                                  
when he said this?
    "Larry has turned what was a
    gentleman's war into guerilla
    tactics. He consistently and
    cleverly (I never said he wasn't               GENTLE_ART_OF_PROGRAMMING
    brilliant) slanders other
    languages and language communities ..."

As far as I can tell, he's referring to
things like this Larry Wall speech:

         "More than that, I combined these cool features in a
         way that makes sense to me as a postmodern linguist,
         not in a way that makes sense to the typical
         Modernistic computer scientist.  Recall that the
         essence of Modernism is to take one cool idea and
         drive it into the ground. It's not difficult to look
         at computer languages and see which ones are trying
         to be modern by driving something into the
         ground. Think about Lisp, and parentheses. Think
         about Forth, and stack code. Think about Prolog, and
         backtracking. Think about Smalltalk, and objects. (Or
         if you don't want to think about Smalltalk, think
         about Java, and objects.)

         "Think about Python, and whitespace. Hi, Guido.

         "Or think about shell programming, and reductionism.
         How many times have we heard the mantra that a program
         should do one thing and do it well?"

